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[Answer] Why does Fabri believe that Germany needs to "strive after" colonies?

Answer: He believes they should strive after being as good as the English.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Why does Fabri believe that Germany needs to "strive after" colonies? Why does Fabri believe that Germany needs to "strive after" colonies ? He believes they should strive after being as good as the English. What is the driving force behind European imperialism in Africa according to Doc B? Wed Jan 18 2017 · Fabri believes they should be competing with the Anglo-Saxons especially with the English/British people since they are the best in Sea and Trade. which the British was using in striving better at going after colonies. Fabri believe Germany needs to prove their industrial prowess in sea and trade by striving like the English in gaining colonies for itself like the English are doing. Why does fabri believe that Germany needs to strive after colonies ? We need you to answer this question! If you know the answer to this question please register to join our limited beta program ... Why does Fabri believe that Germany needs to "strive after" colonies ? Germany needs to compete with the Anglo-Saxons to maintain its new position of industrial greatness. How much money did Great Britain make from exports to South Saharan African in 1854? When the German Reich centuries ago stood at the pinnacle of the states of Europe it was the Number One trade and sea power. If the New Germany wants to protect its newly won position of power for a long time it must heed its Kultur-mission and above all delay no long...


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