Answer: He had designed an electronic radio transmitter which could be placed in his ear
Most relevant text from all around the web:
What had Faber designed that allowed him to be in constant contact with Montag?
Faber designed a two-way communication device called a bullet to enable him to talk to Montag. In the text this device is described as being small "no larger than a .22 bullet " and green in color. To communicate Montag places the green bullet into his ear while …
What had Faber designed that allowed montag to be in touch with Faber? Green Bullets .It is and earpiece in which they can communicate with each other.Something like a walkie talkie. Asked in ...
Montag places the green bullet in his ear and Faber places another in his own ear. They are able to communicate back and forth with these devices. Faber claims that he has been working with radio ...
That kind of medical procedure was so common that technician-operated machines had been developed to treat the patient . What were parlor walls? They were a kind of surround television with which the audience could interact. There was a robotic animal equipped with a steel needle and programmed to hunt and kill.
First when Montag calls him Faber thinks that Montag is t...
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