Answer: They were going to plant books in firemen's houses and turn in alarms on the firemen. This was to cast suspicion on all firemen
Most relevant text from all around the web:
What plan did Montag and Faber devise?
Faber and Montag’s plan is to hide books in firemen’s houses to implicate them all over the country and arouse suspicion . When Montag first meets Faber he is intrigued by the old man. Faber used to be an English professor before the last college closed down due to lack of students.
Faber and Montag's plan is to start reprinting books and plant them in the homes of firemen a profession related to burning books . They do this because they want to discredit the fireman profession and bring an end to censoring the existence of books.
Montag and Faber hatch a plan to bring down the oppressive system by planting books in the homes of firemen throughout the country and calling in alarms to shake the people's faith in the men they both fear and revere for "protecting" the nation from the dangers of books. However Faber retreats from idea ...
Faber and Montag's plan is to start reprinting books and plant them in the homes of firemen a profession related to burning books . They do this because they want to discredit the fireman profession and bring an end to censoring the existence of books.
What plan did Montag and Faber devi...
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