Answer: Quality and texture of information Leisure time to think The right to carry out actions based on the other two items
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What three elements did Faber feel were missing from life?
star Top subjects are Literature History and Social Sciences The three things Faber says are missing from his life and the life of his society are quality of information time to think and the...
In the book Fahrenheit 451 what three elements did Faber feel were missing from life ? Faber says that people need quality information the leisure to digest it and the freedom to act on what they ...
What three elements did Faber feel were missing from life ? Quality and texture of information Leisure time to think The right to carry out actions based on the other two items What plan did Montag and Faber devise?
The three elements Faber thought were missing from life were good books leisure time freedom/rights .
Faber says there are 3 elements missing from a world without books. The three elements are quality information the leisure to digest it and the freedom to act on what they've learned . 0.0 0 votes
What three element did Faber feel were missing from life ? Faber says that people need quality information the leisure to digest it and the freedom to act on what they learn...
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