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[Answer] 1. How did British colonial policies lead to American independence?

Answer: The road that lead the American colonies to unite with one another and break with Great Britain was long and fraught with conflict. In part the break was the result of the British Government's failure to respect the English traditions of representative government limited government and individual rights - all of which had been transplanted to the colonies.

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1. How did British colonial policies lead to American independence? How did British colonial policies lead to American independence ? The British government failure to respect the English traditions of representative government … Fri May 10 2019 · British Policies Toward the American Colonies From Roughly 1763 to 1774. The Seven Years’ War ended in 1763 with Great Britain the undisputed winner gaining control over French territory in North America and India. But in the seeds of Britain’s great victory lay the beginnings of the American Revolution since Parliament now turned to the American colonies to help pay the enormous debt left behind by the war . British Policies Toward the American Colonies From Roughly ... Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence Tue Jun 30 2020 · The first major American opposition to British policy came in 1765 after Parliament passed the Stamp Act a taxation measure to raise revenues for a standing British army in America … Start studying British Colonial Policies lead to American Independence . Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. The Road to Independence (pg. 37–40) The road that led the American colonies to uni...


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