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[Answer] 11. What intellectual influences shaped the development of American philosophy?

Answer: English traditions and colonial experiments in self rule shaped American democracy.Other influences ideas would be key to transforming loyal English colonists first into revolutionaries and then into founders of a new nation.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

11. What intellectual influences shaped the development of American philosophy? 18th-century American philosophy may be broken into two halves the first half being marked by the theology of Reformed Puritan Calvinism influenced by the Great Awakening as well as Enlightenment natural philosophy and the second by the native moral philosophy of the American Enlightenment taught in American colleges. What intellectual influences shaped the development of American political philosophy? Republicanism Judeo-christian religious heritage Enlightenment thinkers . How … American philosophy - Wikipedia American philosophy - Wikipedia Philosophy of Education - HISTORICAL OVERVIEW CURRENT ... American philosophy - Wikipedia Sun Aug 12 2012 · A series of intellectual and spiritual movements prompted some individuals to suggest that humans had been living in the Dark Ages. A renewed awareness of … Thewritings of Locke Montesquieu Hume Burlamaqui and even Polybius wereall important to the creation of the mental world of Americans in the 1780s. But so too were the works of c...


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