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[Answer] 14. How were John Locke's views different from the king?

Answer: John Locke's views were different from the king because Locke's idea that government is the result of a social contract based on the consent of the people.d

Most relevant text from all around the web:

14. How were John Locke's views different from the king? Fri Sep 20 2019 · John Locke ’s Views on Government The “ Two Treatises of Government” (1690) offered political theories developed and refined by Locke during his years at Shaftesbury’s side. Rejecting the divine... John Locke - John Locke - Two Treatises of Government: When Shaftesbury failed to reconcile the interests of the king and Parliament he was dismissed; in 1681 he was arrested tried and finally acquitted of treason by a London jury. A year later he fled to Holland where in 1683 he died. None of Shaftesbury’s known friends was now safe in England. John Locke naturally took a very different stance. For Locke the State of Nature was not of a state of war but a state of freedom. In fact it was a state of purest freedom where people could act however they wished without restriction but this created a paradox as a world of absolute freedom created an environment in which the freedom of one individual could violate the natural rights ... John Locke's views were different from the king because Locke's idea that government is the result of a social contract based on the consent of the people .d 15. How did the first state governments reflect the conflict that led to the American Revolution? Locke had reservations about the sovereignty of a monarch and believed that humanity shouldn't be controlled by absolutely powerful rulers . However he did agree that some form of … Unlike Sir Robert Filmer who understood the Bible to justify social hierarchies (i. e. the divine right of the king the first-born son’s rights over other si...


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