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[Answer] 22. Why were the colonists protesting British tax policies?

Answer: The colonists protested British taxes policies because they were taxed without representation?????

Most relevant text from all around the web:

22. Why were the colonists protesting British tax policies? One of the most significant reasons why the colonists were against the British taxes was because they had no say over them as they were not represented in the British government . Wed Jul 10 2019 · The attempts by Britain to tax its North American colonists in the late 1700s led to arguments war the expulsion of British rule and the creation of a new nation . The origins of these attempts lay however not in a rapacious government but in the aftermath of the Seven Years' War. Britain was attempting to both balance its finances and control the newly acquired parts of its empire … Sat Nov 08 2008 · The colonists began protesting (think of "no taxation devoid of representation") jointly as the British officers argued that the Parliament did characterize them because it represented all... What were some types of colonial protest against the ... How did colonist protest against the British taxes? | The ... Why Britain Attempted to Tax American Colonists - ThoughtCo British Policies Toward the American Colonies From Roughly ... Fri Sep 14 2012 · Soldiers had to salaries army and the job they had the opportunity to get. The colonists were angry they were losing their jobs. From here they protest saying that is not fair taxation without representation they wanted to chose what taxes to pay. Leave a comment. Passage of the Stamp Act enraged the Colonists. They argued that the tax was being levied by a governing body in which they had no direct ...


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