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[Answer] 6. How was the Stamp Act related to the French and Indian War?

Answer: The Stamp Act required a government tax stamp on paper goods and legal documents including contracts and licenses.It was related to the French and Indian War because the king implemented the Stamp Act to collect money to pay for the war efforts. The war left Britain with massive debts so the Stamp Act was a tax to help pay for the war.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

6. How was the Stamp Act related to the French and Indian War? American Revolution: The Stamp Act American Revolution: The Stamp Act Stamp Act | History Definition Facts & Riots | Britannica After the French and Indian war the colonies were taxed because of the money spent by England . Some of these taxes included the stamp act. This eventually started the American Revolution. Stamp Act (1765) in U.S. colonial history first British parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers newspapers pamphlets cards almanacs and dice . The devastating effect of Pontiac’s War (1763–64) on colonial frontier settlements added to the enormous new defense burdens resulting from Great Britain’s victory (1763 … The Stamp Act of 1765 was a tax to help the British pay for the French and Indian War . The British felt they were well justified in charging this tax because the colonies were receiving the benefit of the British troops and needed to help pay for the expense. The colonists … Stamp Act Protest After the French and Indian war Britain although victorious was left with a debt of 140 million pounds . The British believed that the colonists should share the burden of sustaining the British troops in the colonies. The colonists were then enforced with harsh tariffs such as …...


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