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[Answer] 6. What were the Pilgrims stating when they signed the Mayflower Compact?

Answer: By signing the Mayflower Compact the Pilgrims agreed to form of society governed by majority rule and based on the consent of the people.

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6. What were the Pilgrims stating when they signed the Mayflower Compact? Before disembarking from the Mayflower in 1620 the Pilgrim founders led by William Bradford demanded that all the adult males aboard who were able to do so sign a compact promising obedience to the laws and ordinances drafted by the leaders of the enterprise. Although the Mayflower Compact has… Mon Sep 14 2020 · The Mayflower Compact was a set of rules for self-governance established by the English settlers who traveled to the New World on the Mayflower . When Pilgrims and other settlers set out on the ship ... The Mayflower Compact originally titled Agreement Between the Settlers of New Plymouth was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by the male passengers of the Mayflower consisting of separatist Puritans adventurers and tradesmen. The Puritans were fleeing from religious persecution by King James I of England. Mayflower Compact | Summary Background Significance ... The Mayflower Compact – History of Massachusetts Blog Mon Aug 22 2011 · The Mayflower Compact was a social contract the pilgrims signed in November 1620 in order to establish law and order in the new colony . Why Was the Mayflower Compact Written? When the pilgrims left Plymouth England in 1620 they had been granted permission from King Charles I to land in northern Virginia and build a colony. Wed May 17 2017 · When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620 they initially intended to sail to the colony of Virginia. However they found themselves north of their destination and outside of England’s...


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