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[Answer] 9. What were the aims of the Continental Congresses?

Answer: Most American colonists held out hope for a compromise that would role back the harshest tax measures.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

9. What were the aims of the Continental Congresses? Mon Jan 13 2020 · The First Continental Congress which was comprised of delegates from the colonies met in 1774 in reaction to the Coercive Acts a series of measures imposed by the British government on the ... To provide unity delegates gave one vote to each state regardless of its size. The First Continental Congress included Patrick Henry George Washington John and Samuel Adams John Jay and John Dickinson. Meeting in secret session the body rejected a plan for reconciling British authority with colonial freedom . Sun Feb 10 2002 · The Continental Congress was initially a convention of delegates from a number of British American colonies at the height of the American Revolution who acted collectively for the people of the Thirteen Colonies that ultimately became the United States of America.After declaring the colonies independent from the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1776 it acted as the provisional governing structure ... Tue Mar 31 2020 · The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to address how the colonists would deal with what the colonies coined the "Intolerable Acts." When the British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts to punish the colonies the colonists needed a means to communicate their displeasure with England so they convened the First Continental Congress . What were the aims of the Continental Congresses ? First Continental Congress : rights to be resorted Second: organize the ragtag militia around Boston into an official Continental Army by unanimous vote delegates made Geor...


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