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[Answer] According to John Locke what could people do if their natural rights were violated?

Answer: Government power had to be limited or subject to certain restrictions. If people's natural rights are violated they could withdraw their consent from government and start anew.

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According to John Locke what could people do if their natural rights were violated? John Locke (1632-1704) wrote one of the most powerful defences of individual liberty in his Second Treatise of Government. According to Locke in the state of nature (i.e. before the appearance of political institutions) human beings enjoyed what he called “perfect freedom” to enjoy their persons and properties “as they think fit”: Natural rights also called inalienable rights are considered to be self-evident and universal. They are not contingent upon the laws customs or beliefs of any particular culture or government. What is John Locke’s theory of natural rights and justification for a limit… John Locke | Natural Law Natural Rights and American ... John Locke: Natural Rights to Life Liberty and Property ... Thu Jan 28 2016 · Locke believes that an absolute government is not likely to protect natural rights and therefore establishes a line of argumentation to support his doctrine of … John Locke . believed any violation of the people s natural rights by government were grounds for rebellion. Parliamentary. ... according to John Locke what people could do if government violated their natural rights . Monarchy. system of government headed by 1 person such as a king or queen. Further if Locke is serious about natural law it is clear that his version of natural law is quite different from that of other natural law thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas. Locke’s natural law sanctions the basic right of individuals to pursue their own self-interest—to accumulate wealth for example. Tue Apr 07 2020 · Locke further believed that the Law of Nature which governs nature and its morality commanded that members of society did no harm to others in regard to their life liberty health or possessions. In Locke s view the state of nature was in fact a state of liberty where all members of society had the right to pursue their own interests. Thu Apr 16 2020 · Because of the inherently unstable state of nature Locke believed that people relinquis...


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