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[Answer] How do the size of a state's territory and it's population affect its status as a state?

Answer: A state is a political unit with the power to make and enforce laws over a group of people living within a clearly defined territory.A state's territory and it's population don't affect its status as a state. A state are characterized by having a population a territory a government and sovereignty.

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How do the size of a state's territory and it's population affect its status as a state? Tue Jul 04 2017 · The features of a state are as follows: 1. Population : Before a state can be formed there must be a coming together of some people to occupy the territory . It is these people that defines the state . The population of a state goes a long way in determining its integrity and recognition from other states and international organizations. Sat May 16 2015 · Map created by Reddit user purplepinkwhiteblue. Using data from the US Census Bureau the map above resizes each US state and territory based on population .If you don’t spend your time looking at population statistics there are likely a few surprises: Puerto Rico (PR) with 3.5 million people is the largest territory by population and would become the 29th most populous state … The U.S. has had territories since its beginning. In the chapter of US federal law on immigration and nationality the term "United States " (used in a geographical sense) is defined unless otherwise specified as "the continental United States Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Guam the Virgin Islands of the United States and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands". How US Territories Like Puerto Rico ...


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