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[Answer] How might Shay's Rebellion have ended if the Confederation had the power to levy taxes?

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How might Shay's Rebellion have ended if the Confederation had the power to levy taxes? How might Shay's Rebellion have ended if the Confederation had the power to levy taxes ? Why did the Constitutional Convention draft a new plan for government? Delegates from the states agreed that the Articles were too weak to meet the nations needs. Tue Jun 02 2020 · Shays ’ Rebellion underscored weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution. The threat posed by Shays ’ Rebellion helped persuade retired General George Washington to reenter public service leading to his two terms as the first President of the United States. Government had too much debt. Congress couldn't levy taxes to make money. Government had no power to enforce laws. States were fighting over land taxes & … What was Shays's Rebellion and what effect did it have on ... Shays's Rebellion (article) | Khan Academy Shays' Rebellion of 1786: Causes and Effects - What was Shays's Rebellion and what effect did it have on ... The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation already recognized by many became apparent to all as a result of an uprising of Massachusetts farmers led by Daniel Shays .Known as Shays ’ Rebellion the incident panicked the governor of Massachusetts who called upon the national government for assistance.However with no power to raise an arm...


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