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[Answer] Upon the death or disability of a licensee the surviving spouse next of kin administrator or executor of the estate or legal guardian may apply to the Commissioner of Insurance for a Temporary License to continue the effected producers business for a period no longer than how many days?30 days60 days12 months180 days

Answer: 180 daysthe Temporary License allows the person to renew service and maintain existing business. the Temporary Licensee may not sell new business.This rule also applies to a Producer who may have been called into active Military Duty and has appointed a Power of Attorney to someone in his or her absence.

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Upon the death or disability of a licensee the surviving spouse next of kin administrator or executor of the estate or legal guardian may apply to the Commissioner of Insurance for a Temporary License to continue the effected producers business for a period no longer than how many days?30 days60 days12 months180 days A surviving spouse who was living with the disability applicant at the time of the applicant's death or within six months of the applicant's death may continue an already-filed SSI claim. The residency requirement is waived if the surviving spouse receives SSI. You cannot receive disability benefits based on anyone’s disability except your own. You can however receive survivor’s benefits under certain circumstances. It’s also worth noting that in some cases your deceased spouse ’s earnings and contributions to FICA can be considered in determining the amount of disability benefits you are entitled to if you are also disabled. Can Military Spouses Get Veterans Disability Compensation ... What Happens to a Social Security Disability Case if the ... Clearing Title to Real Property on the Death of a Spouse ... Surviving spouse/Heirship/Inheritance | Tue Mar 31 2020 · En espaƱol | When a Social Security beneficiary dies his or her surviving spouse is eligible for survivor benefits. A surviving spouse can collect 100 percent of the late spouse ’s benefit if the survivor has reached full retirement age but the amount will be lower if the deceased spouse claimed benefits before he or she reached full retirement age. However it is to be noted that if there is no surviving spouse or the surviving spouse has waived the right then the right of burial of ...


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