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[Answer] What are the classic forms of government?

Answer: Monarchy = headed by one person kingDictatorshipDemocracy

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What are the classic forms of government? More items... What Are the Various Forms of Governments? | Owlcation What Are the Various Forms of Governments? | Owlcation 10 rows · The Old Swiss Confederacy (c. 1300–1798) Serbia and Montenegro (2003–2006) Senegambia Confederation (1982–1989) The Classic Forms of Government Monarchy -led by king or queen; inherit power-most common form of rule in world history; rare today (Jordan & Saudi Arab.)-example of an autocracy (pwr. in one person’s hands) “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely” Lord Acton direct democracy . citizens participate in law-making and decisions by voting on them. Came to us from the Greeks. oligarchy . government in which a small group of people hold all the power; groups can be based on race wealth social status etc. anarchy. no government or laws; nobody is in control. Classical Republic. an early theory of democracy that holds that the best kind of government is one that promotes the "common good " and the welfare of an entire society . Absolute Monarchy . A system of government in which the head of state is a heredit...


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