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[Answer] What are the major functions of government?

Answer: Ensure national security maintain order resolve conflict provide services provide for the public good.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What are the major functions of government? The main ones are the functions that can be performed by the government only namely: Responsibilities of the Federal Government | The Classroom What are the economic functions of a government ... Government — Ayn Rand Lexicon What are the economic functions of a government? What are the economic functions of a government? | Economics Help Functions of Government. Preserve Order. Recall Thomas Hobbes' grim view of humans when ungoverned by a central authority . Maintaining social peace is perhaps the ... Defend Against External Enemies . Manage Economic Conditions . Redistribute Income and Resources . Provide Collective … The conflict of private interest is the leading characteristic of the political process in constitutional democracies and the supervision mediation arbitration and adjudication of such conflicts are among the key functions of their governments. Representative institutions are themselves a device for the resolution of conflict. Tue Mar 24 2020 · Advertisement. One of the first functions of government is to form a more perfect union meaning that the government will treat all states in the union fairly and work to keep the union together. Another function of the government is to establish justice by protecting those that follow the laws of the country and by punishing those that do not. Wed Feb 13 2019 · Functions Of Government . The government of a state owe allegiance to the stat...


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