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[Answer] What is the difference between a dictatorship and a totalitarian regime?-

Answer: Totalitarian want to dominate all aspects of society. The government economy and even people's personal beliefs and actions.Dictators often achieve power by violently overthrowing a government

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What is the difference between a dictatorship and a totalitarian regime?- Difference Between Totalitarianism and Dictatorship ... What is the difference between dictatorship and totalitarianism ... What is the difference between dictatorship and totalitarianism ... Difference Between Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism ... Thu Aug 16 2012 · What is the difference between Totalitarianism and Dictatorship ? • Totalitarian regimes are characterized by a single party rule whereas dictatorships are characterized by rule of a single person. • Totalitarian governments have no limits to their authority and exercise great influence over the lives of their citizens. Fri Oct 06 2017 · A dictatorship is the form of government in which the dictator is the sole representative of the state and possesses the absolute power of this. The totalitarianism on the other hand is the political power in the state completely controls every aspect of the country restricting even the rights or individual rights of its citizens. Wed Nov 26 2014 · Totalitarianism is scope-of-the-government centric and dictatorship is source-of-the-power centric. In totalitarianism absolute power remains with the highest decision making body of the party. In dictatorship absolute power remains with the individual dictator with sub-ordinate power to the coterie . While in Totalitarian Majority Rule is not present. The succession rule applied in Dictatorship is Heritance as well as Elective and that in Totalitarian is Neither Heritance nor Elective. Parliament is Sometimes present in...


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