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[Answer] What might happen if a democracy failed to protect minority rights?

Answer: If a democracy failed to protect minority rights there could be tyranny of majority. The majority could take advantage of them.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What might happen if a democracy failed to protect minority rights? Majority Rule/Minority Rights: Essential Principles ... Democracy for all? Minority rights and democratisation | openDemocracy The Relation between Democracy and Human Rights Why are minorityrights important? – Political Youth Network What might happen if a democracy failed to protect minority rights ? Minority could lose their rights & be forced to follow the practices dictated to them from the majority 26 If a democracy failed to protect minority rights there could be tyranny of majority . The majority could take advantage of them. Mon Jun 11 2018 · What it all comes down to is that democracy requires minority rights as much as it does majority rule. As understood today that means the minority’s rights must be protected no matter how alienated they are from the majority of society . If that doesn’t happen the majority’s rights become meaningless. The very major note of the topic the term “ minority ” gets excluded while talking of a democratic government. When we analyse the other aspect of the topic i.e. democracy taking care of the rights ; then yes democracy does take care of the rights of all its citizens irrespective of the minority … Fri Feb 10 2012 · The challenge of accommodating and promoting the rights of ethnic religious and other minorities tends to emerge whenever a formerly authoritarian country begins to move towards democracy . It is ... Democracy Requires Minority Rights Democracy therefore requires minority rights equally as it does majority rule . Indeed as...


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