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[Answer] What theories of rule have been put forth to explain government?

Answer: Divine Right...Ruler chosen by God.Natural Law and Natural Rights.. All people by virtue of being human posses natural rights.Social Contract holds that the first governments formed as a result of people agreeing among themselves to submit to the authority of a state.

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What theories of rule have been put forth to explain government? Alternatives to the Exclusionary Rule :: Fourth Amendment ... Alternatives to the Exclusionary Rule :: Fourth Amendment ... What three theories of rule have been put forth to explain government ? A. Divine right ... Do you agree or disagree with the theory ? Explain . A. A system of rules derived from the natural world that is said to provide a just & traditional order to all things in the world ... B. Locke-- people have natural rights C. Rousseau-- government should ... are the functions of a government? Theories of Rule (pg. 10–12) To explain why people accept some forms of rule and not others political philosophers have developed the idea that rulers often have legitimacy . That is rulers are seen as right and proper by important segments of a nation’s population . As a result people social contract theory . a theory that states/ governments form when people agree to surrender some power to a common authority in return for security. force theory. a theory that states form when an individual or group uses force to make enough people submit to a central authority. divine right theory . 5 What theories of rule have been put forth to explain government ?-Some government ruled thought force and feared while others ruled by religious beliefs. 6.What is natural law?- A way to provide a just a rational order and all thing in the world including human behavior 7. Tue Aug 13 2013 · There were four different theories of governments the force theory the evolutionary rule the divine right theory and social contract theory . The ...


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