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[Answer] What was the purpose of meeting at Mount Vernon and Annapolis?

Answer: The purpose was to discuss resolving a trade dispute between the two states.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What was the purpose of meeting at Mount Vernon and Annapolis? Annapolis Convention | Overview & Significance | Britannica The Mt. Vernon Compact & The Annapolis Convention The Mt. Vernon Compact & The Annapolis Convention The Mount Vernon Conference was a meeting of delegates from Virginia and Maryland held March 21–28 1785 to discuss navigational rights in the states' common waterways. On March 28 1785 the group drew up a thirteen-point proposal to govern the rights of both states on the Potomac River Pocomoke River and Chesapeake Bay. Known as the Mount Vernon Compact formally titled as the Compact of 1785 this agreement not only covered tidewater navigation but also extended to issues such as toll duties commerce regulations fishing rights and debt collection. Ratified by the legislature of both states the compact helped set a precedent for later meetings between states for discussions into areas of mutual concern. Known as the Mount Vernon Compact formally titled as the Compact of 1785 this agreement not only covered tidewater navigation but also extended to issues such as toll duties commerce regulations fishing rights and debt collection. Ratified by the legislature of both states the compact helped set a precedent for later meetings between states for discussions into areas of mutual concern. A Front View of the Statehouse at Annapolis the Capital of Maryland. Courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Held September 11-14 1786 the Annapolis Convention was a meeting incipiently aimed at constructing uniform parameters to regulate trade between states during a time of political turbulence and economic strain . 1 While chartered as a purely commercial convening and … MOUNT VERNON EAST FRONT by unknown artist ca. 1792; ... The Annapolis Convention was a meeting of 12 delegates from five states (New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Delaware and Virginia) that called for a constitutional convention. The formal title of the meeting was a Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government. Annapolis Convention in U.S. history regional meeting at Annapolis Maryland in September 1786 that was an important rally...


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