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[Answer] What was Rousseau's view of humans living in the state of nature?

Answer: They were happy good and free.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What was Rousseau's view of humans living in the state of nature? Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778): Themes Arguments and ... Rousseau's views on human nature - IMAGINING OTHER Rousseau and Human Nature - Philosophy & Philosophers ROUSSEAU'S "GENERAL WILL" AND WELL-ORDERED SOCIETY Tue Apr 24 2012 · In the Discorse on the origin of inequality among men Rousseau develops an extended metaphor about the state of nature that is to say the pre-civilizational state. He describes this period of humanity as the happiest of humanity. In state of nature man … Thu May 23 2019 · Rousseau believed that the primary goal of any good government was the liberty of its people . He recognized that the freedom of people in modern society was limited when compared to their existence in the state of nature due to the presence of laws and property though he observed that the endorsement of particular doctrines by government would present the people with a certain … Rousseau’s view of human nature (before society changes it) is that we all have two natural (pre-social) sentiments or feelings (sensibilité ). Again and most importantly unlike the other Enlightenment thinkers Rousseau does not attribute reasoning powers to us as ‘natural’ or pre-social… Rousseau held an optimistic view of the sta...


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