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[Answer] Which interview technique is the nurse using when asking a client to score the pain on a scale from 0 to 10?

Answer: Closed-ended questioning

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Which interview technique is the nurse using when asking a client to score the pain on a scale from 0 to 10? which interview technique is the nurse using when asking a client to score the pain on a scale from 0 - 10 ? closed-ended questioning what are the s/s observed in the human body with a decrease in body temperature? select all that apply The nurse uses probing by asking the client "What else is bothering you?" Such open-ended questions help to obtain more information until the client has nothing more to say. The statement "Tell me what brought you here" is an open-ended statement that allows the client to explain his health concerns in his or her own words. Which interview technique is the nurse using when asking a client to score the pain on a scale from 0 to 10 ? Closed-ended questioning Which statement is applicable to Watson's theory of transpersonal caring? The PQRST method of assessing pain is a valuable tool to accurately describe assess and document a patient’s pain. The method also aids in the selection of appropriate pain medication and evaluating the response to treatment. Nurses can help patients more accurately report their pain by using these very specific PQRST assessment questions: He states it is a 10 on a scale of 0 to 10 when he is asked to turn. The nurse should: ... The nurse is using a be...


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