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[Answer] Which of the following best describes a misrepresentation?

Answer: Issuing sales material with false statements about policy benefits

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Which of the following best describes a misrepresentation? 10. Which of the following best describes a misrepresentation? (Choose from the following options) 1. A failure to disclose known facts . 2. An intentional omission of material information on the part of the insured . 3. A statement that is not guaranteed to be true. 4. A statement intended to distract mislead or deceive a party to a contract. Which of the following best describes a misrepresentation ? A statement intended to distract mislead or deceive a party to a contract. Contract that are prepared by one party and submitted to the other party on take it or leave it basis are classified as. Contract of adhesion. which of the following best describes a misrepresentation ? 1. making a maliciously critical statement that is intended to injure another person 2. discriminating among individuals of the same insuring class 3. issuing sales material with exaggerated statements about policy benefits See Page 1   Which of the following best describes a misrepresentation? Issuing sales material with false statements about policy benefits Misrepresentation is issuing publishing or circulating any illustration or sales material that is false misleading or deceptive as to policy benefits or terms the payment of dividends etc. Which of the following best describes a misrepresentation ? a) Making a deceptive or untrue statement about a person engaged in the insurance business b) Making a maliciously critical statement that is intended to injure another per...


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