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[Answer] Which of the following most accurately fits the definition of violence put forth by the World Health Organization (WHO)?A) any action that causes harm whether intentional or unintentionalB) force used with the intent to inflict physical or psychological harmC) actions that cause physical harm to individuals or groupsD) behavior that is hurtful to others in any way kin 1600 chapter 9 body image and weight management

Answer: force used with the intent to inflict physical or psychological harm CLST 2101 Final

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Which of the following most accurately fits the definition of violence put forth by the World Health Organization (WHO)?A) any action that causes harm whether intentional or unintentionalB) force used with the intent to inflict physical or psychological harmC) actions that cause physical harm to individuals or groupsD) behavior that is hurtful to others in any way kin 1600 chapter 9 body image and weight management World Health Organization defines violence as: the intentional use of physical force or power threatened or actual against oneself another person or against a group or community that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury death psychological harm maldevelopment or … A designation describing political violence committed by individuals who are motivated by an ideology but who have no membership in a terrorist organization Nationalist dissident terrorism Political violence committed by members of ethno-national groups who seek greater political rights or autonomy Violence - body causes What Is Violence? 7 Common Types of Violence That We Face - Exploring your mind When Is Violence Justifiable? - ThoughtCo Because aggressive behavior is easier to study than violent behavior much of what we know comes from the psychological literature on aggression as it relates to violence . Social Learning of Aggression and Violence One explanation of aggressive and violent behaviors invokes the concepts of frustration social learning and information processing. Start studying Chapter 8 - Workplace Violence . Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... Behaviour by an individual or individuals within or outside an organization that is intended to physically or psychologically harm a worker or workers and that occurs in a work-...


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