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[Answer] Which professional wrestler had a co-starring role in the movie "The Princess Bride"?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Which professional wrestler had a co-starring role in the movie "The Princess Bride"?

  • André the Giant:André the Giant was a French professional wrestler and actor. In the World Wrestling Federation, André was a one-time WWF World Heavyweight Champion and a one-time WWF Tag Team Champion. He famously feuded with Hulk Hogan, culminating at WrestleMania III in 1987. His best-remembered film role was that of Fezzik, the giant in The Princess Bride. His size was a result of gigantism caused by excess growth hormone, which later resulted in acromegaly. It also led to his being called "The Eighth Wonder of the World".

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