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[Answer] Why does government matter?

Answer: Government matters because it provides strong national defense law and order and clean water are a few of the services.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Why does government matter? The Purposes of Government [] The Purposes of Government [] The Purposes of Government [] The Purposes of Government [] Fri Sep 23 2016 · Like it or not our government is a democratic republic. This means that in order to effectively function and carry out its purpose the people need to understand why it really matters the gargantuan impact it has on our lives and how to use the voice that they are rightly given as American citizens. Government matters — we know it does. One major reason is that they create rules. But what rules are necessary or desirable? That is open to question and different types of governments have certainly created a wide variety of rules. Government s almost certainly originated with the need to protect people from conflicts and to provide law and order . Tue Oct 16 2012 · The anti- government sentiment that Reagan crystallized has created a strange patriotism in which to love our country we must hate the governments we elect. Abraham Lincoln understood the matter more profoundly when he told the mourners at Gettysburg that we are a government "of the people by the people for the people." Fri Jul 01 2011 · Why Does Open Government Matter ? A new tool helps agencies measure the value of transparency trust and accountability. July 2011 By Steve Towns | Online initiatives that let … Start study...


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