Answer: B. 25/144
Most relevant text from all around the web:
The Hawaiian language has 12 letters: five vowels and seven consonants. Each of the 12 Hawaiian letters are written on a slip of paper and placed in the bag. A letter is randomly chosen from the bag and then replaced. Then a second letter is randomly chosen from the bag.What is the probability that two vowels are chosen?
The Hawaiian language has 12 letters: five vowels and seven consonants. Each of the 12 Hawaiian letters are written on a slip of paper and placed in the bag. A letter is randomly chosen from the bag and then replaced. Then a second letter is randomly chosen from the bag. What is the probability that two vowels are chosen ?
The Hawaiian language has 12 letters: five vowels and seven consonants. Each of the 12 Hawaiian letters are written on a slip of paper and placed in the bag. A letter is randomly chosen from the bag and then replaced. Then a second letter is randomly chosen from the bag. What is the probability that two vowels are chosen ?
The Hawaiian language has 12 letters: five vowels and seven consonants. Each of the 12 Hawaiian letters are written on a slip of paper and placed in the bag. A letter is randomly chosen from the bag and then replaced. Then a second letter is randomly chosen from the bag. What is the probability that two vowels are chosen ?
The Hawaiian language has 12 letters : five vowels and seve...
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