Answer: 120
Most relevant text from all around the web:
How many ways can eight letters be arranged into groups of five where order matters and the first two letters are already chosen?
if the first 2 letters are permutations then you have 5-letter permutations from the 8 letters: 8*7*6*5*4=6720 again if the first 2 letters don't have to be permutations then there are only 56/2=28 combinations for the first 2 letters combined with the 120 permutations for a …
Answer :- 120 ways. Step-by-step explanation: ⚠️ Answer ⚠️. Given Total letters = 8 Remaining letters = 6 Remaining place = 3. Arrangement = 6 × 5 × 4 = 30 × 4 = 120 ways
How many ways can eight letters be arranged into groups of five where order matters and the first two letters are already chosen ? 120 A bicycle manufacturer is …
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