Answer: Appropriate clearance; signed and approved non-disclosure agreement; and need-to-know.
Most relevant text from all around the web:
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Security Clearance Levels In The Military
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301-371-1052 (SL3) - Protect Classified Information and ...
AR 380-5 Chapter IX Disposal and Destruction -
What is required for an individual to access classified data? Appropriate clearance; signed and approved non-disclosure agreement; and need-to-know . What type of activity or behavior should be reported as a potential insider threat?
(b) Eligibility for access to classified information is limited to United States citizens for whom an appropriate investigation of their personal and professional history affirmatively indicated loyalty to the United States strength of character trustworthiness honesty reliability discretion and sound judgment as well as freedom from conflicting allegiances and potential for coercion and willingness and ability to abide by regulations governing the use handling …
A formal security clearance is required to handle classified documents or access classified data. The clearance process requires a satisfactory background investigation. There are typically several levels of sensitivity with differing clearance requirements.
Access is only permitte...
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