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[Answer] When a softball player gets a hit it can be a single double triple or home run. When Josephine is at bat the probability that she hits a single is 15 percent and the probability that she hits a double is 5 percent.What is the probability that Josephine hits a single or a double when she is at bat?

Answer: 20 percent

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When a softball player gets a hit it can be a single double triple or home run. When Josephine is at bat the probability that she hits a single is 15 percent and the probability that she hits a double is 5 percent.What is the probability that Josephine hits a single or a double when she is at bat? When a softball player gets a hit it can be a single double triple or home run . When Josephine is at bat the probability that she hits a single is 15 percent and the probability that she hits a double is 5 percent . 👍 Correct answer to the question When a softball player gets a hit it can be a single double triple or home run . when josephine is at bat the probability that she hits a single is 15 percent and the probability that she hits a double is 5 - Mon Feb 12 2018 · After a player makes a run draw a line to the correct base and write the appropriate number like 1 for a single or 2 for a double . If a player strikes out write “K” in the batter’s box. For all outs record all of the players involved by using their position numbers. Usually only a base hit a walk or a hit -by-pitch count for OBP. Say a batter gets 4 singles a double a triple a home run and 4 walks in 24 Plate Appearances. The image to the right compares her Batting Average her Slugging Percentage and her On Base Percentage. Every 10 times she gets an At Bat we can expect her to get a base hit ... In baseball it is when a player hits a single double triple and home run (in any order but if in that order a natural cycle)in the same game so it is probably the same thing in softball . Fri Apr 27 2012 · binomial probability Can someone explain how to do this to me? Suppose the probability that a softball player gets a hit in any single at- bat is .300. As...


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