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[Answer] Which is a good practice to protect classified information?

Answer: Ensure proper labeling by appropriately marking all classified material and when required sensitive material.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Which is a good practice to protect classified information? Which is a good practice to protect classified information? Ensure proper labeling by appropriately marking all classified material and when required sensitive material . Which of the following is a good practice to aid in preventing spillage? Be aware of classification markings … (c) Classified information being transmitted from one Commission office to another shall be protected with a classified document cover sheet and hand delivered by an appropriately cleared person to another appropriately cleared person. Fri Oct 18 2019 · What should be done if you find classified Government Data/Information Not Cleared for Public Release on the Internet ?- Make note of any identifying information and the website URL and report it to your security office . What should be done to protect against insider threats?-Report any suspicious behavior Proper procedure for classifying U.S. government documents. To be properly classified a classification authority (an individual charged by the U.S. government with the right and responsibility to properly determine the level of classification and the reason for classification) must determine the appropriate classification level as well as the reason information is to be classified . Classified information - Wikipedia CyberAwareness Challenge fo...


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