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[Answer] A(n) __________ patient is one who is having his or her first encounter with the physician.

Answer: new

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A(n) __________ patient is one who is having his or her first encounter with the physician. A(n) _____ patient is one who is having his or her first encounter with the physician . The state of the patient as either new or established is called the patient _____. status A(n) _____ patient is one who is having his or her first encounter with the physician . An _____ patient has seen the physician within the last 3 years. No disease or disorder was found and the patient was discharged from observation on 05-08. The patient reported a decrease in her pain after 30 hours of IV analgesics and antispasmodics. The physician documented that the patient should follow up with her primary care physician in 2 days or return to the hospital if the pain worsens. The physician may be viewed as superior to the patient simply because physicians tend to use big words and concepts to put him or herself in a position above the patient . The physician – patient relationship is also complicated by the patient's suffering ( patient derives from the Latin patior "suffer") and limited ability to relieve it on his or her own potentially resulting in a state of desperation and dependency on the physician . When a patient tells a physician his CC this refers to: eyes. The abbreviation PERRLA refers to which of the following? respiratory tract. The abbreviations COPD and COLD stand for: prescription. The abbreviation Rx stands for: PH. The details ...


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