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[Answer] What is the oxidation state of sulfur in Na2S2O3?

Answer: +2

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What is the oxidation state of sulfur in Na2S2O3? There is a set of rules you can use or just look to the positions of the atoms in the periodic table. the Na will always be +1 in a compound (its in column 1) and the O with a very few exceptions will always be -2 in a compound (Its in column 6)... Oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S2O3 would be : 11th . Chemistry. Redox Reactions. Oxidation Number. Oxidation number of sulphur... Atomic sulfur has oxidation number 0. The oxidation number of the sulfide ion is - 2 . During formation of a wide variety of compounds the oxidation status of sulfur may differ from -2 to +6. What is the oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S4O6? - Quora What is the oxidation state of sulfur in Na2S2O3? - Quora What is the oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S4O6? - Quora What is the oxidation number of sulphur in Na2S4O6? - Quora Tue Apr 03 2007 · what is the oxidation state of the two sulfur atoms in Na2S2O3(numbers in subscript)?The answer is + 4 &+6 . How plz tell me how the structure of this molecule is to get these of sulfur atoms Wed Jul 04 2012 · The average oxidation number of the 2 S atoms in Na2S2O3 is +2. When solid sulfur containing the radioactive isotope 35S is boiled with Na2SO3 a radioactive sample of Na2S2O3 is produced. Why are the oxidation numbers of 35S & 32S in Na2S2O3 0 & +4 respectively? This question really boggles my mind. Appreciate your help! What i...


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