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[Answer] What was the main purpose of this doctorine?

Answer: The political systems of the European powers were alien to the United States and any attempt to export it to the Americas would be considered dangerous to American interests.

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What was the main purpose of this doctorine? Doctrine - Wikipedia Doctrine - Wikipedia Monroe Doctrine - Definition Purpose & Significance - HISTORY Truman Doctrine | Definition & Facts | Britannica Tue Feb 12 2019 · In a speech to Congress in 1823 President James Monroe warned European powers not to attempt further colonization or otherwise interfere in the … Wed Nov 25 2020 · Although initially disregarded by the great powers of Europe the Monroe Doctrine became a mainstay of U.S. foreign policy. In 1823 U.S. President James Monroe proclaimed the U.S. protector of the Western Hemisphere by forbidding European powers from colonizing additional territories in the Americas . In return Monroe committed to not interfere in the affairs conflicts and extant colonial enterprises of European states . Doctrine (from Latin: doctrina meaning "teaching instruction") is a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions taught principles or positions as the essence of teachings in a given branch of knowledge or in a belief system. The etymological Greek analogue is "catechism". Often the word doctrine specifically suggests a body of religious principles as promulgated by a church. Doctrine may also refer to a principle of law in the common-lawtraditions established through a history … Fri Feb 01 2019 · The Monroe Doctrine was the declaration by President James Monroe in December 1823 that the United States would not tolerate a European nation colonizing an independent nation in North or South America. The United States warned it would consider any such intervention in the Western Hemisphere to be a hostile act. Truman Doctrine pronouncement by U.S. Pres. Harry S. Truman declaring immediate economic and military aid to the governments of Greece threatened by communist insurrection and Turkey under pressure from Soviet expansion in t...


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