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[Answer] Who painted the mural "The Last Supper?"

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Who painted the mural "The Last Supper?"

  • Leonardo da Vinci:"The Last Supper" was a work of art commissioned by the Duke of Milan in 1494. The Duke intended to place it in the family mausoleum. Wanting a high-quality work, the Duke commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to do the job. Da Vinci painted this masterpiece in Milan from 1495 to 1498. The original size of the mural was 29ft. by 15ft. Da Vinci's vision for the painting intended to capture the faces of Christ's apostles after He mentioned the betrayal that was ahead. The painting depicts the disciples in various degrees of anger, shock, and rage. Source:

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