Answer: between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
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Where are most of the known asteroids found?
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Consider the following statement: "Rocky asteroids are found primarily in the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt while icy comets are found primarily in the Oort cloud." What's wrong with this
Most asteroids are found in the Asteroid Belt that is located between Mars and Jupiter. There are billions or trillions of asteroids in the space... See full answer below.
Where are most of the known asteroids found ? Select one: a. In the Oort cloud b. Between the orbits of the jovian planets c. In the Kuiper belt d. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter e. Between the orbits of the terrestrial planets
Tue Apr 12 2016 · Most of the asteroids are found in between Mares and Jupiter . There is an area known as asteroid belt. THis is in between Mars and Jupiter. Total mass of asteroids are about 4% that of Earth's moon only. A...
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