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[Answer] What familiar word is derived from a Latin word that means "a place where three roads meet”?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What familiar word is derived from a Latin word that means "a place where three roads meet”?

  • Trivia:Trivia is a Latin word, the plural of trivium. The literal meaning of the Latin trivium is “a place where three roads meet.” What does a three way crossroads have to do with interesting morsels of useless information you ask? The Roman Empire was famously connected by public roads, and the intersections of three or more of these roads were a popular place for the public to meet, hang out, and trade goods. Thus crossroads came to be known as places where inconsequential or trivial things were said and done. As a tribute, the popular game "Trivial Pursuit" features crossroads on its game board.

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