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[Answer] What two fears are humans born with?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What two fears are humans born with?

  • Fear of falling and of loud sounds:When a human baby is born, it has only two innate fears hard-wired into its brain: the fear of falling and the fear of sudden, loud noises. A healthy fear of falling is an instinct that's necessary for survival, not just in humans but in many species. Babies and animals don't understand the concept of gravity, but instinct lets them know that gravity works and it can be dangerous. Thus, a fear of falling. The other innate fear is the "acoustic startle reflex," or the fear of loud noises. Think of a small baby and how they react to a sudden noise. They startle, limbs jerk, eyes wide, and often begin crying. The startle response triggers the fight or flight instinct we all share. Most fears are learned but we come equipped with two of the major ones. Source:

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