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[Answer] elements ____________ exhibit similar physical and chemical properties

Answer: chalcogens

Most relevant text from all around the web:

elements ____________ exhibit similar physical and chemical properties There are currently 118 known chemical elements exhibiting many different physical and chemical properties. Amongst this diversity scientists have found it useful to use names for various sets of elements that illustrate similar properties or their trends of properties. Many of these sets are formally recognized by the standards body IUPAC. The following collective names are recommended by IUPAC: In chronological order this section discusses metals and nonmetals (and metalloids); categories of elements; groups and periods; and periodic table blocks. While the recognition of metals as solid fusible and generally malleable substances dates from antiquity Antoine Lavoisier may have the first to formally distinguish between metals and nonmetals ('non-métalliques') in 1789 with the publication of his 'revolutionary' Elementary Treatise on Chemistry. In 1811 Berzeliusreferred to nonmetallic elements as … Properties of metals metalloids and nonmetals - Wikipedia Chemical state - Wikipedia Periodic table - Wikipedia Chemical state - Wikipedia The chemical state of a chemical element is due to its electronic chemical and physical properties as it exists in combination w...


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