Answer: structural formulas
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the molecular formula of a compound is always ___________ the empirical formula
In chemistry the empirical formula of a chemical compound is the simplest positive integer ratio of atoms present in a compound. A simple example of this concept is that the empirical formula of sulfur monoxide or SO would simply be SO as is the empirical formula of disulfur dioxide S2O2. Thus sulfur monoxide and disulfur dioxide both compounds of sulphur and oxygen have the same…
In chemistry the empirical formula of a chemical compound is the simplest positive integer ratio of atoms present in a compound. A simple example of this concept is that the empirical formula of sulfur monoxide or SO would simply be SO as is the empirical formula of disulfur dioxide S2O2. Thus sulfur monoxide and disulfur dioxide both compounds of sulphur and oxygen have the same empirical formula. However their molecular formulas which express the number of atoms in each molecule of a chemical compound are not the same. An empirical formula makes no mention of the arrangement or number of atoms. It is standard for many ionic compounds like calcium chloride (CaCl2) and for macromolecules such as silicon dioxide (SiO2). The molecular formula on the other hand shows the number of each type of atom in a molecule. The structural formula shows the arrangement of the molecule. It is also possible for different types of compounds to have equal empirical formulas. Samples are analyzed in specific elemental analysis tests to determine what percent of a particular element the sample is composed of.
• Glucose (C6H12O6) ribose (C5H10O5) acetic acid (C2H4O2) and formaldehyde (CH2O) all have different molecular formulas but the same empirical formula: CH2O. This is the actual molecular formula for formaldehyde but acetic acid has double the number of atoms ribose has five times the number of atoms and glucose has six times the number of atoms.
• Glucose (C6H12O6) ribose (C5H10O5) acetic acid (C2H4O2) and formaldehyde (CH2O) all have different molecular formulas but the same empirical formula: CH2O. This is the actual molecular formula for formaldehyde but acetic acid has double the number of atoms ribose has five times the number of atoms and glucose has six times the number of atoms. • The chemical compo...
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