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[Answer] What is the average number of heart beats per day for a human?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What is the average number of heart beats per day for a human?

  • 103,680 beats/day:You heart beats as a way of circulating blood through your body. How many times per day does that translate into? On average, the human heart beats 103,680 times per day. Different factors can contribute to a change in the average number of heartbeats per day. If your body needs more oxygen, your heart will beat faster in order to circulate the oxygen-rich blood quicker. When you're at rest, meaning you aren't moving around much or stressing over something, your heart beats an average of 50 to 100 times per minute. When you become active, the rate automatically increases to get more oxygen to your body's tissues where it's needed. Source:

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