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[Answer] What capital city is situated on the River Liffey?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What capital city is situated on the River Liffey?

  • Dublin, Ireland:The River Liffey follows a tortuous course carved out during preglacial times. It flows in a northwesterly direction into the Lackan Reservoir. It runs through the Kildare lowland, heading west before turning northwestward to Droichead Nua. It then takes another turn, this time to the northeast to Leixlip and Celbridge. From there, it again turns, heading eastward now through the capital city of Dublin, Ireland. The River Liffey ends its journey when it dumps into Dublin Bay, which is a section of the Irish sea. All totaled, the River Liffey runs a course of about 50 miles. Source:

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