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[Answer] What pet did Lord Byron keep at Cambridge University?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What pet did Lord Byron keep at Cambridge University?

  • A bear:The poet famous for his romantic works as well as his scandal-ridden life loved animals. He kept a menagerie of pets, including dogs, cats, peacocks, several birds of prey, monkeys, a crocodile and badgers. He loved them all, with his favorite and most beloved being a Newfoundland dog named Boatswain. But when he was a student at Cambridge University, he was confronted with a problem. The University had a rule banning pet dogs. Annoyed beyond belief, Lord Byron found a way around the rules. He brought his tame bear with him because there was no specific mention of bears in the rules, and he filed a lawsuit, which he won. He kept the bear in his room and walked it around the grounds. Source:

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