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[Answer] Which American beer claims the title, "King of Beers?"

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Which American beer claims the title, "King of Beers?"

  • Budweiser:Budweiser beer is the most popular beer in the world. Along with Coca-Cola, Americans love to claim Budweiser beer as America's drink. Budweiser is sold is more than 60 countries worldwide, proudly claiming the title of the "king of Beers." Budweiser gained true American icon status in the 1970s thanks to an ingenious marketing plan. Facing stiff competition from other brewing companies, Budweiser's parent company put the Budweiser name everywhere: from blimps to boxer shorts; in sports, from football games to car races. It boldly proclaimed itself the "King of Beers." Backed by a state-of-the-art production and distribution network, it didn't take Budweiser long to grab the lion's share of the market. Source:

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