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[Answer] What is a group of porcupines called?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What is a group of porcupines called?

  • Prickle:The porcupine is a member of the rodent family, and are the third largest member of the rodents. They are covered in spine or quills. The name comes from Middle French-era word meaning "thorny pig," although the porcupine is not a member of the pig family. There are a total of 27 separate species of porcupine. Porcupine families usually consist of five or six individuals in complex burrow systems. Some porcupines are monogamous and live in set pairs to form family groups. A group of porcupines is collectively called a "prickle." During the winter, these prickles huddle together for warmth. Source:

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