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[Answer] What was the original color of the first U.S. passports when they were issued in 1926?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

What was the original color of the first U.S. passports when they were issued in 1926?

  • Red:The world’s passports can be grouped into just four colors: red, blue, green, and black. Blue, the current choice of the U.S. government, is the most popular, preferred by 83 nations. Red is second on the list with 65 countries, followed by green and black with 44 and 7 countries, respectively. Passport cover colors don’t always stay the same. The U.S. passport has actually been all four at some point in its history. America’s first modern-style passport, issued in 1926 was red. Blue was introduced in 1976 in honor of the country’s bicentennial.

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