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[Answer] In the game of pool, what solid color is the number 1 ball?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

In the game of pool, what solid color is the number 1 ball?

  • Yellow:In the game of pool, balls are split into two categories: solids and stripes. Solid balls are entirely colored, whereas striped balls contain a single stripe of color across them. Each ball will have a number adorned on it as well. The 1 – 8 balls are solid colors, while the 9 – 15 balls are striped. The one ball is yellow; two is blue; three is red; four is purple; five is orange; six is green; seven is burgundy; and the eight ball, as most people know, is black. If you learn the colors of the solid balls, just add eight to the number to find its corresponding striped ball. The one ball, for instance, is yellow. One plus eight equals 9, hence the 9 ball's stripe is yellow.

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