Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Marilyn Monroe sang her famous rendition of 'Happy Birthday' to which notable figure?"
...Marilyn Monroe's iconic performance of "Happy Birthday" took place on May 19, 1962, during a star-studded gala at Madison Square Garden in New York City, held to celebrate President John F. Kennedy's upcoming 45th birthday. Wearing a dazzling, skin-tight, rhinestone-encrusted gown that famously appeared as if "she were wearing nothing at all," Monroe delivered her sultry rendition of the song in front of an audience of 15,000 people, including many prominent political and Hollywood figures. Her intimate delivery captivated the room and has since become a defining moment in pop culture history.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Marilyn Monroe sang her famous rendition of 'Happy Birthday' to which notable figure?"
John F. Kennedy:
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