Step 1 : Introduction to the question "On the TV series "Gilligan's Island," how long was the Minnow's tour supposed to last?"
...On the TV series Gilligan's Island, the Minnow's tour was originally supposed to last just three hours. This is famously mentioned in the show's catchy and iconic theme song, which begins by inviting viewers to "sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip." Officially titled “The Ballad of Gilligan’s Isle,” the theme song cleverly and memorably introduces the premise of the series, summarizing how a seemingly harmless “three-hour tour” turned into an unexpected shipwreck that left seven castaways stranded on a remote, deserted island.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "On the TV series "Gilligan's Island," how long was the Minnow's tour supposed to last?"
Three hours:
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